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Tim and Ted at Acorn School


We're open for admission through out the year

Baby – P.6
Kulumba Trevor
(+256) 776 782908


This module covers everything you need to get your child into Imperial Academy Primary School.

How to Apply

Step I : Schedule a Visit

Contact the admissions office using the phone numbers given on the “Contact us” page.

You can also physically walk into the admissions office at any time between 08:00 and 17:00 on weekdays.

Schedule for a tour if you want to get a piece of the feeling of the fragrant learning environment at IAPS.

Make sure to ask every question you may have and our friendly admissions team will be more than happy to respond to them!

Step II : Tour our Facilities

On your appointed visit day, please visit us and witness, first-hand, the blynth in our facilities.

This is why we encourage you to not put things to faith. Come and scrutinize us, be a critic.

And although we hope you like what you see, we very much welcome honest criticism as well as advice.

As teachers who are also parents, we understand that choosing the right school for your child is the most important decision you’ll ever make for them.

Step III : Application

If you like what you see during your tour of IAPS, we move on to the application and registration bit.

Every child has to be registered before they can access any school resources.

To register, every child come with every item on the list of admission requirements. This list doesn’t include the items required from every child on reporting day.

They should also pay for admission and registration fees as stipulated under the fees structure.

After filling out and submitting the application forms (along with the payment slip for registration fees), an interview appointment date will be set (if necessary) and we’ll start processing the application momentarily.

Step IV : Registration

After sitting for an interview, a child will be registered for the appropriate class and a school ID card will be issued to them.

A child is expected to report to school on the appointed reporting date with all the requirements on the list of requirements plus an initial deposit of the school fees.


The following items are required at admission:

Fees Structure

Admission & Registration

All classes


P.1 – P.3
P.4 – P.6

Other Fees

Day care


1. When can I get a fees discount?

Discounts are available on multiple children of the same family, depending on their number and age.

Discounts are also available on early school fees payments, depending on for how far in the future the payment has been made.

For more information, contact the principal’s office.

2. Is admission always open?

If by "things" you mean questions, then the site administrator, Kalungi Isaac, single-handedly adds, removes and edits the questions. He also manages the application in general.

3. Can I get financial assistance?

Questions are added daily, weekly or monthly depending on the necessity and how lacking a particular subject is.

Users can also request for questions by topic. They can even go as far as requesting for specific questions.

“We Make them Proud”